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School Day

Pre-school Daily Routine


8:30-9:00 Children arrive and the room/ garden is set up for our planned activities


9:00-9:45 This is child led activity time


9:45-10:00 Circle time


10:00-10:15 The children are encouraged to have snack on a free flow basis. The other children have child led play with adult support


10:15-11:00 The children spend time outside either in small groups or as a whole group. The children that are inside have adult support in their play


11:00-11:30 This is our focused activity time. The adults will work with us in small groups to help develop our learning.


11:30-12:00 We start to tidy up from the mornings activities and have a focused circle time/ story time


12:00-12:30 We enjoy our lunch together


12:30-12:45 We have ‘quiet time’ on the carpet so that we let our lunches settle. We are encouraged to look at a book or play with a small world activity such as the animals


1:00-1:15 Some of the children leave for the day and other children arrive. This is a hand over period. The remaining children have adult support in their learning and play


1:15-1:45 We use this time to complete planned activities which further the children's learning and development. This maybe planned activities or spontaneous activities based on the children's interests that day


1:45-2.00 Circle time


2:00-2:30 Snack time! The children are encouraged to have snack on a free flow basis. The others have child led activity time which is again supported by adults.


2:30-3:00 We spend time inside and outside depending on what we would like to do. The activities may be more spontaneous at this point depending on our days interests.


3:00-3:15 We encourage the children to participate in tidy up time.


3:15-3:30 Some of the children go home at this point so it is a hand over time. The children are encouraged to have a story with one adult whilst the other provides feedback.


3:30-4:00 The remaining children will join up with the toddler room and prepare for tea. One adult will cook tea in this time and begin tidying up


4:00-4:30 Tea Time!


4:30 Some children leave for the day during this hand over period


4:30-5:30 The children will have child led time with adult support and encouragement until it is home time.


Please Keep in mind, our routine is simply a guideline for us to follow throughout the day. Children need stability and structured routine, however, their routine needs to be flexible enough to allow exploration and new ideas. We want to give each child the opportunity to discover new things in preparation for his/her future and will follow their interests to maximize their learning experiences at Pre-School.

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